Method 1: Send a review request by creating a new placement
You can create a new placement and include employer and candidate email for the review invites to be sent.
Note: All placement data is used to verify the reviews to avoid fakes.
Step 1: From the REVIEW page you may click on Get Reviews then Create a New Placement:
Or from your PLACEMENT page you can select:
Step 2: Complete the form presented
Placement history is visible to clients and candidates to help prove your value in given markets. We’ve created this in a way that protects your data but promotes your sales ability.
You an also tick if you want either the Employer, Candidate or both to receive a review request.
Once completed review requests will be sent to the client and candidate!
Method 2: Send a review request by sharing your unique link
Each recruiter with a profile has their own unique link they can use in their communications with employers and candidates.
Step 1: Your 'Direct Link' can be found easily on your Reviews page from ' Get Review' as seen below.
By clicking Copy Review Form (Direct Link) , you can copy and paste it into your comms, including sending it via email to quickly request a review during the conversation with an employer/candidate.
Step 2: Sending your link - The link contains a review form that is mobile responsive so clients and candidates can easily complete on the go.
See an example candidate & review review form here.
A few creative examples of ways to use unique links:
In your thank you emails after placements
Send by SMS along with congratulations (HIGHEST RESPONSE)
Send after a check-in call
A conversation starter for old clients you're looking to re-engage
Post in your bio on your social media pages
Add to your email signature
STEP 3: As with all reviews, 'Direct Link' returned reviews must be attached to a placement for verification purposes.
Once your review is returned you can check it through the 'Reviews' page under the Missing Verification column. From the menu on the left hand-side of your screen, click the reviews tab as shown below.
Click on Verify under the candidate name and choose to either select a placement you wish to assign your review to and connect it, or add a new placement.
And you're all done! Once either action is done the review and placement data will be made visible on the recruiter's public profile.